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NERVI: cure, alberghi, caffé, mare e giardini (1906)

Nervi, a small town with 3500 Inhab, surrounded with groves of olives, oranges, and lemons, is much, frequented in winter by English, Russians, and Germans, as a health-resort.
The Viale Vittorio Emanuele, with its fine palms, leads to the N. from the railway- station to the (3 min.) town, which is intersected from W. to E. by the highroad, here called Via Cavour (to the W.) and Via del Pozzo (to the E.).
In the Via Cavour are the Giardino Pubblico (left) and the Villa Croce(No. 113 -, right); in the Via del Pozzo are the Park of the Marchese Gropallo (right, No. 55, adm. */* fr., visitors staying at the Grand Hotel free), with a fine group of date-palms and an old watch-tower on the Coast Promenade, and the Villa Serra (no adm.). All these are noteworthy for their luxuriant vegetation.

A feature of the place is the dust-free and sunny Coast Promenade (to the left on leaving the station), which runs along the shore above the rocky beach, and is protected by a lofty wall on the landward side. Pleasantly placed benches on the promenade and in the adjoining gardens afford resting-places for patients who wish to be much in the open air without taking active exercise.

The Via Belvedere, beginning at the Piazza Belvedere, about the middle of the main street, ascends in curves to the church of Sant'Ilario (640 ft.)- On the way, and from beside the church, we obtain admirable views as far as Porto Fino on the E., and of the Riviera di Ponente and the Ligurian Alps on the W. The footpath (short-cut) may be chosen for the descent; or we may follow the hill to the W. and descend via the Cappella San Rocco (656 ft.) to the Giardino Pubblico.
From Sant'Iario we may proceed via the Mont Giugo (1685 ft.) to the top of the Monte Fasce (2790 ft.; 2 hrs.), hence a fine view is obtained of Genoa and to the N.W. of the Apennines as far as the Monte Rosa chain: descent via Apparizione to Sturla - The choice of walks is small.
Music, daily at 2.80 p.m. on the Coast Promenade. - Visitors' Tax, * fr. per week. - Enquiry Office (with reading-room), Via Corvetto 94. - Visitors List, Pro-Nervi, twice a month, 25 c.

Climate, etc. Nervi, the oldest winter-station on the E. Riviera, is
backed on the N. by Monte Giugo and is sheltered on the N.W. by the
Monte Moro, a spur of the Monte Fasce, and on the E. by the promontory
of Portofino, while it lies fully exposed to the S.E. wind.
Its mean winter temperature (52° Fahr.) is almost the same as that of the W. Riviera, but
the rainfall at Nervi is more copious and the periods of dry weather less prolonged. The relative moisture of the three winter months is 60.1 per cent.

Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, Publisher
London: Dulau and Co., 37 Soho Square, W.
New York: Charles Scribnbr's Sons, 163/167 Fifth Avenue


NERVI, giardini e riposo (1904)

Nervi. - Italy, one of the suburbs of Genoa, on the Riviera di Levante.
Population 5,000.

Winter station.
The mean winter temperature is not so high as that of
Mentone or San Remo, but the climate is less windy, exciting,
and tonic, and more humid. The vegetation is luxurious, and
beautiful gardens abound. There is little room for excursions,
and Nervi is therefore most suitable for patients who desire
repose. The terms are moderate.

Doctors : Drs. Schetelig, Alexander, Frech, etc.

Hotels : Grand, Victoria.

Nervi - Panorama 1901
The Bradshaw’s Dictionary of Mineral Waters, Climatic Health resorts etc.
Ed. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Dryden House, Gerrard Street, W.C., London 1904

Parco Culturale
di Nervi