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Nervi stazione di cura e soggiorno (1893)

Leaving Genoa by the Pisa-Florence R.R. we come in twenty minutes to this pretty little place just six miles out of town. We are now on the Eastern Riviera, or Riviera de Levante.

Nervi has not nearly so high a winter temperature as Mentone, but there is less wind and more humidity, making it suitable to certain cases. The vegetation is almost tropical, and beautiful gardens are seen. It is a very quiet place for invalids who need repose. There are not many walks or excursions to be made, owing to the steepness of the roads beyond the little town. Population, 5,000; fifty-four rainy days, December to April. Many German visitors come to the place.

Physician. -
Dr. Schetelig (M.R.C.S. London).
Hotels. -
Anglaise, Oriental. Prices reasonable.

Thomas Linn, M.D. "A Medical Guide to the Mineral Springs, Climatic, Mountain, and Seaside Health Resorts, Milk, Whey, Grape, Earth, Mud,
Sand, And Air Cures of Europe.",
Henry Klimpton, High Holborn, W.C. London : Hirschfeld Bros., Bueam's Buildings, Fetter Lane,  1893

NERVI, una colonia tedesca? (1897)
Bordighera is almost as exclusively an English, as Nervi is a German colony.
From Genoa the Riviera di Levante extends towards La Spezia. It is less frequented in winter than the Riviera di Ponente, but there are many sheltered and beautiful spots upon it, and Nervi in winter and S. Margherita and Rapallo in spring or autumn offer many attractions.
[Hotels: Eden,in large gardens, with an outlet to the walk of the Marina; Grand Hotel, in the street, but with delightful gardens towards the sea; Victoria. Pensions: Bonera, Lindenherg]

From the railway and the dusty highroad, Nervi appears most unattractive, but this is far from being the case.
There are charming orange groves between the houses and the sea, with beautiful views towards Porto Fino. From the station, perhaps the only boulevard in Europe planted with huge orange-trees alternating with palms, leads up into the long winding street. Near the lower end of this is the pretty little port with its boats, and a pink convent, with a good tower, on a rock.

Thence the most enchanting of sea-walks, a perfect sun-trap, with numerous seats at intervals, and glorious views of the jagged promontory of Porto Fino, winds westward, at a great height above the waves, to an old watch-tower, and beyond it. On fine winter afternoons, when the sea is deep blue, with white sails scudding over it, and the waves are foaming against the pointed rocks below, no scene can be lovelier.

At such times this walk - the Marina - is always the fashionable promenade. Here, as in the hotels of Nervi, the German tongue predominates ; indeed, Germans have almost taken possession of the place. In spite of its beauty, to those who are in good health, Nervi, after a time, will seem a beautiful prison, as there are so few walks, and its gardens are so hemmed in by mountains.
Printed by BALLANTYNE, HANSON & CO.,London 1897

La passeggiata
primi anni del '900

Sullo sfondo il chiosco della musica e la torre Gropallo